SkylerZX Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:12 pm
I think its a good idea, but that means a few things need to happen.
- The ranks need to be pre-sorted out, not on the spot. This also means that the privileges need to be more restrictive. Something along the lines of:
1. Guild Master
2. Guild Officer - All privileges, max bank access, edit notes, MOTD, G Info, promos/demotes/kicks/invites etc. Only for a selected group (8-10) of players who are extremely dependable (eg, Myself, Nashy, Chan).
3. Raiding Officer - Medium/High level back access, promos/demotes/kicks/invites, MOTD, handles scheduled raids along with Guild Officers.
4. Veteran - As high as most raiders will get, Medium level bank access, has priority entry to scheduled raids over lower ranks. A rank of experience, gained by participating in many runs (20+).
5. Experienced Raider - Deposit to bank, has priority to raids over lower ranks. A rank gained by consistent participation in raids(10+).
6. Raider - Deposit to lower bank slots, has priority to raids over lower ranks. A rank gained by participating well in a few raids (5+).
7. New Raider - The rank given to entry level raiders.
- In the demotion process, there needs to be exceptions for 80s that have already participated in guild runs.
- Since we are making such a big move towards raiding, I strongly think that we should be kicking everyone that hasn't logged on in AT LEAST a month.
- The Guild Tabs need to be cleaned up, and renamed. Permissions for deposits/withdrawals suggested above (all ranks can deposit gold of course).
Just a few suggestions that I think would go a LONG way to setting this guild up right.